By: Eric Kim |

Board N’ Board is a service concept designed to fit into Gilson Snow’s current product service system. Gilson Snow is a rapidly developing Snow Sports brand working to innovate new ways to provide for their snowboarding community. This project aims to help Gilson Snow compete against other competitors in the field like Burton, LibTech, Nitro, etc.

<aside> 🏂 Project Duration: 8 weeks Tools: Figma, Premiere Pro Tags: UX Research, Personas, Affinity Diagramming, Storyboarding, Service Blueprint Collaborators: Olivia Li, Sachin Paranjape, Swapnil Amritkar


Final Service Poster

Final Service Poster


How do we bring service into an existing product service system to generate new value with an established base of customers, partners, supplier, and other stakeholders?

As a class project, we worked with Gilson Snow, one of the world’s fastest growing Snow Sports brands on developing a service they can ship out for their current customers. This new service was meant to reapply our knowledge of service concepts and how they would be used in the real world to both unbundle and re-bundle services.

In our final deliverable to Gilson Snow, our concept was shown through a service blueprint poster and video pitch


Our team initially started the project by trying to understand the problem space. To do this, we asked ourselves the following questions:

→ Are we adhering to the current customer base’s needs and wants? → How do we produce value from an already existing product service system? → What does the budget and time look like to bring this added service to life?

From this, we started conducting a lot of research to fully understand the problem space. We also generated personas to dive deeper into the wants and needs of the customer base.

By classifying three types of personas for Gilson Snow’s current customer base, we were able to see what different areas for the customer’s wants/needs and what areas Gilson might be able to affect. We classified these personas based on interviews with the Carnegie Mellon Ski Team and also user surveys with snowboarding communities via the internet →

